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Greenstone Slate Education Series

An Introduction to Slate Roofing

AIA Course AIAGSS101: An Introduction to Slate Roofing

Eligible for 1.0 Learning Unit/Health, Safety, Welfare (LU / HSW)


Course Description

This on-demand /online course is designed to introduce the participant to the use of slate in roofing applications, including the history/background of slate as a natural resource, the mining and manufacturing of slate tiles, and the benefits of slate as a roofing material and typical applications.

In addition, the participant will be introduced to specifying slate including color, texture, grade and installation options.

This course is also available as a real-time, instructor-led session—register for an instructor-led session.


Learning Objectives

  1. At the end of this course, participants will be able to discuss slate fundamentals: slate as a natural resource, slate tile manufacturing, slate tile basics, and the environmental implications of using slate as a roofing material.
  2. Participants will also be able to recognize when the use of slate is appropriate in building design or renovation.
  3. Course participants will be able to identify slate characteristics, and key information needed for the purpose of specifying slate.
  4. Participants will gain an introductory knowledge of slate
    roof installation.

AIA Course AIAGSS101: An Introduction to Slate Roofing 

AIA Course Provider

AIA Provider #: 40107638

Course Materials / Assessment

Online course participants must pass this summative assessment with an 80% or better test score to be eligible to receive AIA CES learning units and/or Certificate of Completion. Participants that do not score 80% or better, may retake the assessment as many times as necessary until a passing score is achieved.

You will need your AIA Member number if you would like your credits reported to AIA although being an AIA member is not required to participate in the course.


Other Important Information


AIA Continuing EducationThe Greenstone Slate Company is a registered provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to CES Records for AIA members. Certificates of Completion are provided to all participants that have passed the course.

This program is registered with the AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.